Building a next-gen student support ecosystem.

Explore how the Swinburne University of Technology utilised the Vygo student support ecosystem to enhance student retention & success by fostering a strong & connected community.
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Empowering student connections at scale.

Swinburne University leverages Vygo to transform its student support ecosystem, focusing on peer-to-peer interactions & community building. By integrating Vygo, Swinburne ensures that students across all disciplines have access to continuous, targeted support through small, discipline-specific cohorts. This initiative enhances student retention & success by fostering a strong, connected community.

Additionally, Swinburne has expanded its use of Vygo to include specialised programmes that align with their commitment to personalised student experiences & comprehensive support services.

Learn more about how Swinburne University is revolutionising student support using the Vygo platform below.

Elevate your student support ecosystem.

“We chose Vygo because it provided a central point to manage all mentoring programs at the university”
Celso F Lopez
Senior Student Engagement Officer,                         
University of Greenwich.